My first ski race in two years is in the books, and man it was a good one. I finished the 51K event in 3:18:52, which will put me in good standings for the Birkie, and my attempt to get into the first wave. Well, back to the race. The first 41K was relatively painless. It was the last 10K that I really started to suffer. It hurt, but man did it feel good. I am super jacked about skiing this year. I have 3 more races on the calendar, and I hope after each race I get stronger and faster.
Because there fun

pre race

post race


Who says there's no blood in cross country skiing?

For those who don't know, Brenda and I are engaged, which I am super jacked about. I can't wait to start a new chapter in my life with the girl I love.
Where the hell did you get that big old hot dog or whatever it is? I didn't see any of those.
It is a polish sausage. There was a vendor by the door, and it was damn good!
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