Sunday, March 23, 2008


So, this morning I was checking out from the grocery store, and it was about 6:45am. This old lady comes storming in, and asked the cashier if they had any Marshfield papers yet. The cashier said "no." Then, she stormed out and mumbled something rude and inappropriate. So, I was thinking to myself, it's not the cashiers fault there were no papers yet. What a bitter old bitch! On the way to my bob trailer, a smile came on my face. I was thinking that I can't wait to be old and bitter. Anyway, I had Easter at the Nigon's. I was gonna ride over there, but about 9 miles into the ride, my chain ring was hitting my derailier. What the hell? My crank arm is falling off. Multi-tool, yes at home. I was lucky enough that Brenda had just left Marshfield, and she picked me up. That's ok I was tired from my 92 mile gravel road ride from yesterday. I think the GXP crank and BB is the dumbest, fucking design ever. So, I took it off. It is now on E bay. The Hoosiers.I installed a carbon fiber Bontrager fork yesterday on my MTB. This knocked off 3lbs on my bike, so towing it will be a little bit easier. I am going to buy this for my bob trailer, and I will have a picture of this set up as soon as everything comes together.

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