Well I did my first
WORS race today. I didn't know what to expect, especially from all of the different things I have heard. It turns out, that it is one of the funnest races I have done in a long time. I think I had so much fun because...
1. I didn't have any goals for this race.
2. All the people I came across were nice (no turds).
3. Even though my results weren't high, I held my own throughout the whole race.
4. I preroad, warmed up and cooled down with my brother
Darrin. That was off the hook. FUN!!
(no we did not race in the same class. Are you kiddin me? He's way too fast for me!)
A few things I didn't like about WORS...
1 Registration, I don't even know, but it was fucked up!
2 The website said a 5 mile loop, they had big maps, showing the loop that said 6 miles, and when I pulled up to the start line, Don announced that it was an 8 mile loop.
Things I need to work on...
1 Not set such high goals.(I am not a pro:)
2 I need to work on spinning on the flats. I am a good single track rider and can hold my own on the climbs. I guess the single track and climbing is way more fun than spinning on the open road.
A big thanks to my pit crew!!!!!!!